2022/2023 Update - School Communications Down

We hope that everyone has had a great summer and we are eager for the return of students. We had hoped to send out a return to school message but, unfortunately, the messaging system is not yet working in our transition from PowerSchool to EdSembli. The earliest possible date is expected to be September 2. In the interim, please keep checking back on this website, or our social media, for more information. We will update them as best as possible. Here are the key points we are trying to get out to our community.
- Tuesday, August 30 - First day of classes for Grade 7 and 12 only
- Wednesday, August 31 - All grades back in school. Assembly Period 1.
- Our Gym floor is being redone but will not be ready until likely September 6
- Our School Division has switched to a new learning platform system. Please be patient with us as we roll this new sytem out.
- Traditional communication is down. Please refer to this website, Twitter, and Facebook for updates.
School Supply List can be found here: PBHS Supply List
Bell Times can be found here: PBHS Bell Schedule
New to Picture Butte High School and Palliser School Division?
Students new to the division must fill out a registration form which can be found here: New Students
New students may also register in person when the school office opens on August 25.
Palliser Schools and Picture Butte takes responsibility to keep our students, staff, and the community safe while in our school. PBHS is cleaned and maintained for safety. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the school. Although not required, individuals are welcome to wear masks. Masks are available at the front door and in the office.
Calenders & Scedules
Student timetables will be handed out on the first day of classes. Please check out the tab at the top of the webpage for all schedules and calendars for the 2022-2023 school year. The monthly calendar at the bottom of the webpage changes as events are added.
Once again, we are excited for the return of students and hope everyone is coming back rested and eager to resume their studies!