Grad 2021 - Live Stream Link

Click Grad 2021 Live Stream to enjoy the graduation of our Class of 2021.
A reminder that our indoor ceremony is invited only and limited seating due to Covid Protocols.
For our Graduates and their Parents:
We have been working tirelessly to create a program that now works for indoors. Please find attached our program which will inform you on how the evening will go. It is about a 2 hour program that attempts to combine the best of the morning exercises and the evening formal program.
To be clear, we want ALL grads to arrive in their evening formal wear. The entire program will take place with you in your formal dress or suit. That said, we do require you to bring your cap and gown back to the school on this night as well. We do have a cap throwing event in the program so that grads will need that as part of their stuff for the night. You will return your gown (from the cap and gown) as you come into the school. If any of you want to take pictures with your gown after the ceremony, you are more than welcome to do that as well as we will keep the gowns ready for you if you wish.
We ask that everyone arrives between 4:30 and 4:45. All grads and guests will enter through the main front doors. Guests will go directly to the gym to be seated while the grads will go to the gathering area to prepare to enter the gym at 5:00. We will make the gymnasium washrooms available for emergency use.
One of our most important requests is THAT THERE BE NO MINGLING BETWEEN COHORTS. One of the reasons we have been approved is our agreement to enforcing this AHS requirement. Please help us with this. We know it will be tempting to mingle but please do not do this in the gym.