Principal Update on Provincial Covid Restrictions - Nov 24

November 24, 2020, 7 pm
Good evening everyone,
I apologize for not sending out a message last week. I wanted to wait until the educational picture became a little bit more clear. As of tonight's Government announcement, we now have clarity. As you may or may not know now, the Alberta Government is moving all classes (at least for Grade 7-12) to online beginning November 30. Since PBHS has been conducting at-home learning from the outset this fall, we are well suited and already prepared to move into a full "Option 2" so please know that your son(s) and daughter(s) will be well taken care of for their educational needs.
We need a short amount of time to give all of our parents and students a full and complete picture of how this learning will look like from November 30 to January 11 so it is our intention to give you this plan on Friday. From the outset, one thing is self evident, extremely important, and cannot be understated. Classes will be moving forward online so we MUST have all of our students attending virtually; learning will not stop so attendance (within Option 2) must not stop.
You have all been so wonderful and accommodating of this unique and bizarre time and we ask for your continued understanding as we transition into this next block of learning. Please stay tuned and we promise to develop a plan that will be logical, context based, and best fit the needs of all of our students. Thank you and please stay tuned for the updates that will detail our actual plans. All the best everyone and stay safe,
Mr. Lowe